Wehrmacht History 1935 to 1945


Yacht & Bootswerft Abeking & Rasmussen


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Yacht & Bootswerft Abeking & Rasmussen was a German shipbuilding company, located in Lemwerder. Ships and U-boats built by Yacht & Bootswerft Abeking & Rasmussen include.

Ships and U-boats Built

R2 R-boat
R3 R-boat
R4 R-boat
R5 R-boat
R6 R-boat
R7 R-boat
R9 R-boat
R10 R-boat
R11 R-boat
R12 R-boat
R13 R-boat
R14 R-boat
R18 R-boat
R19 R-boat
R20 R-boat
R21 R-boat
R22 R-boat
R23 R-boat

R27 R-boat
R28 R-boat
R29 R-boat
R30 R-boat
R31 R-boat
R32 R-boat
R33 R-boat
R34 R-boat

R44 R-boat
R45 R-boat
R46 R-boat
R47 R-boat
R48 R-boat
R49 R-boat
R50 R-boat
R51 R-boat
R52 R-boat
R53 R-boat
R54 R-boat
R55 R-boat
R56 R-boat
R57 R-boat
R58 R-boat
R59 R-boat
R60 R-boat
R61 R-boat
R62 R-boat
R63 R-boat
R64 R-boat
R65 R-boat
R66 R-boat
R67 R-boat
R68 R-boat
R69 R-boat
R70 R-boat
R71 R-boat
R72 R-boat
R73 R-boat
R74 R-boat
R75 R-boat
R76 R-boat
R77 R-boat
R78 R-boat
R79 R-boat
R80 R-boat
R83 R-boat
R82 R-boat
R81 R-boat
R84 R-boat
R85 R-boat
R86 R-boat
R87 R-boat
R88 R-boat
R89 R-boat
R90 R-boat
R91 R-boat
R92 R-boat
R93 R-boat
R94 R-boat
R95 R-boat
R96 R-boat
R97 R-boat
R98 R-boat
R99 R-boat
R100 R-boat
R101 R-boat
R102 R-boat
R103 R-boat
R104 R-boat
R105 R-boat
R106 R-boat
R107 R-boat
R108 R-boat
R109 R-boat
R110 R-boat
R111 R-boat
R112 R-boat
R113 R-boat
R114 R-boat
R115 R-boat
R116 R-boat
R117 R-boat
R118 R-boat
R119 R-boat
R120 R-boat
R121 R-boat
R122 R-boat
R123 R-boat
R124 R-boat
R125 R-boat
R126 R-boat

R128 R-boat
R129 R-boat
R130 R-boat
R131 R-boat
R132 R-boat
R133 R-boat
R134 R-boat
R135 R-boat
R136 R-boat
R137 R-boat
R138 R-boat
R139 R-boat
R140 R-boat
R141 R-boat
R142 R-boat
R143 R-boat
R144 R-boat
R145 R-boat
R146 R-boat
R147 R-boat
R148 R-boat
R149 R-boat
R150 R-boat

R301 R-boat
R302 R-boat
R303 R-boat
R304 R-boat
R305 R-boat
R306 R-boat
R307 R-boat
R308 R-boat
R309 R-boat
R310 R-boat
R311 R-boat
R312 R-boat

R401 R-boat
R402 R-boat
R403 R-boat
R404 R-boat
R405 R-boat
R406 R-boat
R407 R-boat
R408 R-boat
R409 R-boat
R410 R-boat
R411 R-boat
R412 R-boat
R413 R-boat

R415 R-boat
R416 R-boat
R417 R-boat
R418 R-boat
R419 R-boat
R420 R-boat
R421 R-boat
R422 R-boat
R423 R-boat
R424 R-boat

Other: Shipyards


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German Warships, 1815-1945: Major Surface Vessels.
ISBN-10: 0851775330

German Warships, 1815-1945: U-boats and Mine Warfare Vessels.
ISBN-10: 155750301X

German warships of the Second World War.
ISBN-10: 0668040378

For a complete list of sources
WWII News articles from around the world

WWII Timeline
World War Two Timeline, detailing every event, day by day from 1935 through to 1945.
WWII Timeline

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