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Wehrmacht History 1935 to 1945


U-boat Type XXIII

U-Boot-Typ XXIII

U-boat Type XXIII


Type XXIII was designed as small coastal U-boats and had a single hull with three watertight compartments. Armament consisted two torpedo tubes in the bow.

The Type XXIII U-boats were the first Elektroboat (Elektroboote) to become operational. They were small coastal U-boats designed to manoeuvre in the shallow waters of the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. The Type XXIII U-boats were so compact in their design that they could only carry two torpedoes, which had to be loaded externally. Just like their much larger cousin the Type XXI they were able to stay underwater for huge lengths of time this was made possible by using the larger capacity batteries, and the snorkel which in turn, allowed the diesel engines to be used whilst submerged. While developing the Type XXI U-boat, it was suggested to simultaneously develop a smaller variant containing the same sophisticated technology to replace the Type II coastal U-boat. Karl Dönitz added two prerequisites, 1, The U-boat would have to operate in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, So it would have to easily transported. 2, And would have to use the standard 53.3 cm torpedo tubes.

Also like their larger cousin Type XXI it was intended to construct Type XXIII U-boats in prefabricated sections at various shipyards under the control of the Third Reich, out of the 61 Type XXIII U-boats constructed six became operational and resulted in six Allied ships being sunk.

Type XXIII sixty one of this class were built between 1943 and 1945. Forty eight were constructed by Deutsche Werke AG, of Hamburg, U-2321, U-2322, U-2323, U-2324, U-2325, U-2326, U-2327, U-2328, U-2329, U-2330, U-2331, U-2334, U-2335, U-2336, U-2337, U-2338, U-2339, U-2340, U-2341, U-2342, U-2343, U-2344, U-2345, U-2346, U-2347, U-2348, U-2349, U-2350, U-2351, U-2352, U-2353, U-2354, U-2355, U-2356, U-2357, U-2358, U-2359, U-2360, U-2361, U-2362, U-2363, U-2364, U-2365, U-2366, U-2367, U-2368, U-2369, and U-2371.

Thirteen were constructed by F. Krupp Germaniawerft AG, of Kiel, U-2332, U-2333, U-4701, U-4702, U-4703, U-4704, U-4705, U-4706, U-4707, U-4709, U-4710, U-4711, and U-4712.


U-2322 Type XXIII U-boat
U-2323 Type XXIII U-boat
U-2324 Type XXIII U-boat
U-2325 Type XXIII U-boat
U-2326 Type XXIII U-boat
U-2329 Type XXIII U-boat
U-4704 Type XXIII U-boat
U-4706 Type XXIII U-boat
U-4709 Type XXIII U-boat
U-4712 Type XXIII U-boat

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German Warships, 1815-1945: U-boats and Mine Warfare Vessels.
ISBN-10: 155750301X

German U-boat Commanders of World War II.
ISBN-10: 1853673668

German U-boat Losses during World War II.
ISBN-10: 1557506418

For a complete list of sources
WWII News articles from around the world

WWII Timeline
World War Two Timeline, detailing every event, day by day from 1935 through to 1945.
WWII Timeline

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