Eighth Air Force. 873 United States Army Air Force (USAAF)
heavy bombers attack benzol plant and oil refinery at Dortmund,
benzol plants at Datteln and Castrop, Rauxel, rail viaduct
at Bielefeld, and marshalling yards at Soest, Paderborn, Siegen,
Giessen, and city of Fulda. 7 fighters groups provide close
area support.
Ninth Air Force. Weather cancels combat operations except
for XXIX Tactical Air Commands support of United States XVI
Corps along the Rhine in Wesel area.
Twelfth Air Force. United States Army Air Force (USAAF) B-25
Mitchell medium bombers continue interdiction of enemy command,
damaging railroad bridge at Longarone and railroad fills at
Peri and Ossenigo. XXII Tactical Air Command concentrates
on command in Northeast Po Valley and fuel and ammunition
dumps in Central part of the Valley with generally good results.
March 1945, light bombers hit Ostiglia crossing and bridges
at Nervesa della Battaglia and Casarsa della Delizia, and
bomb targets in Brenner area.
Fifteenth Air Force. Continued bad weather limits operations
to a supply drop in Yugoslavia and routine reconnaissance
and escort missions. All bombing operations are cancelled
and 42 P-51 Mustang fighter-bombers sent on strafing mission
against railroad command in Austria are recalled.
Tenth Air Force. 30 United States Army Air Force (USAAF) P-47
Thunderbolt fighters support troops of British 36th Division
in Mogok area. 18 others support elements of Chinese 50th
Division near Mansam. Elements of Chinese 38th Division occupy
Lashio. 12 B-25 Mitchell medium bombers and 35 fighter-bombers
attack road targets, troops, vehicles, and a variety of targets
immediately behind enemy lines. Transports fly 630 sorties
supplying forward areas with men and equipment.
Fourteenth Air Force. 4 United States Army Air Force (USAAF)
B-25 Mitchell medium bombers and 9 P-40 fighters blast railroad
targets North of Kiaotow. Single B-25 Mitchell medium bombers
hit truck convoys in Hsiang River Valley, waterfront at Changsha,
and bridge and other targets on Pinghan railroad. 130 fighter-bombers
attack numerous targets throughout South and East China, concentrating
on railroad, road, and river targets in the areas around Nanking,
Yoyang, Sintsiang, and Changsha.
Far East Air Force (FEAF). United States Army Air Force (USAAF)
B-24 Liberator heavy bombers hit Balete Pass area while A-20
Havoc light bombers and fighter-bombers hit troop concentrations
and gun positions near Antipolo and near San Fernando, North
West of Fort Stotsenburg, and in Bayombong, Solano area and
targets in Lake Taal area, towns of Santa Fe, Lal-lo and Vigan,
and on Caballo Island. Numerous ground support missions are
flown throughout Luzon.
Seventh Air Force. 11 Guam based United States Army Air Force
(USAAF) B-24 Liberator heavy bombers hit Susaki airfield and
town of Okimura and Haha Jima. 5 more hit Susaki during 7-
March 1945, in individual harassment strikes.
Eleventh Air Force. 8 United States Army Air Force (USAAF)
B-25 Mitchell medium bombers, dispatched to strike a reported
convoy, abort due to weather. So do 8 B-24 Liberator heavy
bombers after departing on a shipping sweep and a strike on
V-2 rocket
launched against England, hit near Navestock.
V-2 rocket
launched against England, hit Stanford Rivers.
V-2 rocket
launched against England, hit Deptford.
V-2 rocket
launched against England, hit Edmonton.
V-2 rocket
launched against England, hit Greenwich.
V-2 rocket
launched against England, hit Sidcup Area.
V-2 rocket
launched against England, hit Poplar.
V-2 rocket
launched against England, hit Brundish, Norfolk.
V-2 rocket
launched against England, hit Waltham Holy Cross.
V-2 rocket
launched against England, hit Ilford.
V-2 rocket
launched against England, hit Dagenham.

Ludendorff Bridge
at Remagen falls to the American 9th Armoured Division, after
capturing the bridge. The Americans discover the experimental
Hs 297 surface-to-air missile system.
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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X
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