Italy reported naval action off Malta during night of
October 1940, and admitted losses.
During the night the British Royal Air Force (RAF) bombers
attacked military targets in Berlin, including power station,
gas works and important goods yard. Raids also made on aluminium
works at Heringen,
works at Essen, Fokker works at Arnsterdam, oil plants at
Cologne and Hanover, Dortmund-Ems aqueduct, and other objectives.
Channel ports and gun positions bombed.
The war against Italy, the British Royal Air Force (RAF) raided port of Bardia,
Libya, and scored six direct hits. Fires and explosions were
started at Tobruk. Javello Aerodrome twice bombed by South
African Air Force.
Daylight Luftwaffe raiders dropped small number of bombs in
London and suburban areas and in some places on south coast
and in Kent and Surrey. At Hastings houses were demolished
and a fire started. During night raids a London underground
railway station was hit and there were casualties. Another
bomb fractured water and gas mains in a street. Many buildings
demolished and damaged, including block of flats. Many hundreds
of bombs fell in a Midland town and fires broke out. Three
tenement houses wrecked and considerable other damage.
Luftwaffe lost 11 aircraft. Ten British fighters missing,
but pilots of eight sate.
In Rumania four hundred uniformed officers and orderlies of
German Army arrived in Bucharest.
M37 Minesweeper
Launched 12 October 1940
M24 Minesweeper
Launched 12 October 1940
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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X
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