Finns continued their advance from Lieksa into Russian territory,
and reached Lake Ruua. In Suomussalmi sector, they advanced
in direction of Raate, about fifteen miles from the Russian
frontier. On Salla front Finns pressed the enemy back some
fifty miles towards the frontier.
Three heavy assaults on the Mannerheim line were repulsed.
Russian losses on the Finnish front were estimated to be 30,000.
Viborg was seriously damaged by shells from long distance
artillery. More leaflets dropped over Helsinki by Russian
The British Royal Air Force (RAF) coastal command aircraft
were engaged in a series of fights over the North sea with
German air and surface craft. One German patrol ship disabled
by a bomb from a British plane, which attacked two destroyers
and eleven patrol vessels.
It was reported that Indian troops had arrived in France.
Nearly 7,000 tons of contraband seized during the week ending
23 December
Laid down 27 December 1939
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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X
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