French command reported a sharp infantry engagements following
the two German attacks on Monday.
Two German air attacks were made over the north of Scotland.
The first raid at 1430 hrs and was directed at Scapa Flow
was carried out by four machines. The battleship HMS Iron
Duke suffered some damage. To Luftwaffe planes were shot down.
The second raid on the Orkneys, lasted from 1230 hrs to 1430
hrs and was carried out by 10 planes. No damage was done.
Luftwaffe aircraft were active, near the east coast of Britain
during the afternoon two were destroyed in a fight with the
British Royal Air Force (RAF) all British aircraft returned
Reported that the first of two British Army corps in France
had taken over a section of the front.
The Turkish prime minister announced that negotiations between
Turkey and Moscow had been broken off and that M Sarajoglu
Foreign Minister, was returning to Ankara.
Mr Churchill announced in the house that the HMS Royal Oak
was lying at anchor in Scapa Flow when she was torpedoed at
130 hours on
October 1939.
The Norwegian steamer Lorentz W Hansen was reported sunk in
the north Atlantic.
Officers and crew of the British steamer Sneaton which was
sunk by U-boat were brought to court by a Belgian oil tanker.
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