Wehrmacht History 1935 to 1945


Argus Motoren

Aircraft Engine Manufacturer

Argus Motoren Aircraft Engine manufacturer


Argus Motoren was German aircraft engine manufacturer founded in Berlin in 1906, Before and after WWI the company manufactured automobile engines and boat engines, In 1926 they resumed aircraft engine design and production. Aircraft engines built by Argus Motoren include.

Aircraft Engines

Argus As 8

Argus As 8A 4 cylinder air cooled inverted Vee piston engine producing up to 150 hp
Heinkel He 64

Argus As 10

Argus As 10 8 cylinder air cooled 90º inverted Vee piston engine producing up to 240 hp
Horten Ho VII

Argus As 10C 8 cylinder air cooled 90º inverted Vee piston engine producing up to 240 hp
Arado Ar 66
Arado Ar 76
Arado Ar 77
Dornier Do 12
Fieseler Fi 156
Flettner Fl 339
Focke-Wulf Fw 56
Focke-Wulf Fw 186
Gotha Go 145
Gotha Go 149
Heinkel He 63
Heinkel He 74
Henschel Hs 121
Henschel Hs 125
Messerschmitt Bf 108
Messerschmitt Bf 163
Siebel Si 201

Argus As 10P 8 cylinder air cooled 90º inverted Vee piston engine producing up to 236 hp
Klemm Kl 151
Messerschmitt Me 208

Argus As 17

Argus As 17A 6 cylinder inverted inline engine producing up to 225 hp
Klemm Kl 36

Argus As 410

Argus As 410A-1 12 cylinder inverted Vee air cooled engine producing up to 465 hp
Arado Ar 96
Focke-Wulf Fw 189

Argus As 410C 12 cylinder air cooled inverted Vee engine producing up to 450 hp
Arado Ar 199

Argus As 411

Argus As 411 A-1 12 cylinder air cooled inverted Vee engine producing up to 592 hp
Siebel Si 204

Argus As 411MA 12 cylinder air cooled inverted Vee engine producing up to 592 hp
Arado Ar 396

Argus As 109-014

Argus As 109-014 pulse jet engine producing up to 300 kg of thrust
V 1 Flying bomb Fieseler Fi 103
Messerschmitt Me 328

Argus As 109-044

Argus As 109-044 pulse jet producing up to 500 kg of thrust
Junkers Ef 126

Other: Aircraft Engine Manufacturers


Argus As 10C

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The Warplanes of the Third Reich.
ISBN-10: 0385057822

German Aircraft of the Second World War.
ISBN-10: 0370000242

Hitler's Luftwaffe.
ISBN-10: 051718771X

For a complete list of sources
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WWII Timeline
World War Two Timeline, detailing every event, day by day from 1935 through to 1945.
WWII Timeline

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