This website is NOT meant to promote Nazism, the politics of Adolf Hitler, or any other political ideology. It deals with the subject of German military during a particular period of history nothing else.

Wehrmacht History 1935 to 1945


Recoilless Artillery

R�cksto�freie Artillerie


Recoilless Artillery


Recoilless artillery ranged in calibre from 7.5 cm to 10.5 cm


Recoilless Artillery picture 2
Recoilless Artillery picture 3
Recoilless Artillery picture 4
Recoilless Artillery picture 5
Recoilless Artillery picture 6
Recoilless Artillery picture 7


German Artillery in World War II. 1939-1945.
ISBN-10: 0887407625

German Artillery of World War Two.
ISBN-10: 1853672610

German infantry weapons of World War II.
ISBN-10: 0882543725

German Small Arms of World War II.
ISBN-10: 0896730239

For a complete list of sources
WWII News articles from around the world

WWII Timeline
World War Two Timeline, detailing every event, day by day from 1935 through to 1945.
WWII Timeline

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