Wehrmacht History 1935 to 1945


November 1945

WWII Timeline

Events On This Day

4 November 1945 M431 Minesweeper
Is seized as a prize of war by the Russians along with M467

4 November 1945 R87 R-boat
Is seized as a prize of war by the Russians along with R103, R105, R107, R149, R257, R410, R411 and R417

15 November 1945 M3 Minesweeper
Is seized as a prize of war by the Russians along with M7, M17, M29, M30, M151, M155, M203, M204 and M255

15 November 1945 R245 R-boat
Is seized as a prize of war by the Russians, along with R288, R289, R418, R421, R422 and R423

17 November 1945 R302 R-boat
Is seized as a prize of war by the Russians along with R303, R305, R307, R308, R310, R311 and R312

20 November 1945 M267 Minesweeper
Is seized as a prize of war by the Russians along with M279, M369, M407, M415, M425, M446 and M461

20 November 1945 R270 R-boat
Is seized as a prize of war by the Russians.

24 November 1945 M291 Minesweeper
Is seized as a prize of war by the Russians along with M348 and M496

24 November 1945 R420 R-boat
Is seized as a prize of war by the Russians.

29 November 1945 M256 Minesweeper
Is seized as a prize of war by the Russians along with M330 and M470

Go To: December


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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton

The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton

2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X

For a complete list of sources
WWII News articles from around the world

WWII Timeline
World War Two Timeline, detailing every event, day by day from 1935 through to 1945.
WWII Timeline

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