In China. Captain John Birch of the United States Army is
shot dead in a scuffle with Chinese Communist soldiers. The
liberation of China is becoming a race between the rival Nationalist
and Communist forces. Troops of the Kuomintang, commanded
by Chiang Kai-shek, enter Shanghai and Nanking, the prewar
capital. The Japanese surrender at Nanking was accepted with
Communist troops only 3 miles from the city. Communist forces
are reported to be marching towards both cities. In Shanghai,
the Communists claim workers are occupying factories and preparing
to welcome the Communist forces. In the south, Communist forces
are reported to be advancing in Canton and nearing Hong Kong.
In the north they are closing in on Tientsin.
In Japan. There are reports of large numbers of people committing
hara-kiri before the Imperial Palace.
In the Philippines. General Tomoyuki Yamashita informs the
commander of the United States 32nd Division that he has ordered
all Japanese troops in the Philippines to lay down their arms.
In the United States of America. Vice Admiral Willis Augustus
Lee Dies of a heart attack at age 56.
In Occupied Germany. British forces in western Europe are
redesignated the British Army of the Rhine (BOAR).
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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X
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