Attacks on Viipuri continued with infantry and artillery.
Finns repelled attacks on new positions and defeated Russian
attempts to cross ice to the west side of harbour. Finish
aircraft raided Russian lines of communication.
The British air ministry announced that theBritish Royal Air
Force (RAF) had carried out further extensive reconnaissance
flights over northern Germany. Aircraft flew over Berlin and
Hanover, as well as naval bases at Kiel and Cuxhaven.
German patrols active on the Western front, particularly east
of the Saar and in Alsace. Reconnaissance flights were made
by both sides.
Paris announced that to German aeroplanes, reconnoitering
over France had been shot down.
Mr Summer Welles who had left Rome for Berlin, broke his journey
at Zürich to await further instructions from Washington.
British volunteers in Finland to be commanded by Major Kermit
First Canadian volunteers arrived in Finland.
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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X
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