M Paul Reynaud formed a new cabinet in which he was foreign
minister as well as prime minister. Nine members are to form
an inner war cabinet. M Daladier remains as Minister of National
defence and war, and three Socialists are included.
The British Admiralty announced that two more ships in raided
convoy had been damaged, British steamer Northern Coast and
Norwegian Erling Lindoe.
Norwegian ship Svinta was damaged while in convoy on Wednesday
was sunk by U-boat.
Danish ships Christiansborg, Minsk, and Charkow were sunk
by a U-boat.
Luftwaffe aircraft appeared over the Shetlands, and was chased
away by British fighters. No bombs were dropped.
The Queen Mary left New York for a secret destination.
Laid down 21 March 1940
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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
The War Illustrated.
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2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X
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