The British trawlers attacked in the North sea by Luftwaffe
bombers, retaliated with fire from newly installed machine
Blizzards, beginning of unusual February snowfall, checked
Russian attacks in Isthmus. Russian airmen bombed Swedish
town of Pajala near the Finnish frontier Finns claimed to
have shot down 17 enemy aircraft.
The British air ministry announced that during the preceding
night. The British Royal Air Force (RAF) aircraft had carried
out reconnaissance over Heligoland Bight.
Three Dutch ships were reported lost cargo steamer Tara, motor
tanker Den Haag, and the trawler Petten.
The survivors of the Norwegian steamer Steinstad torpedoed
on 15 February 1940 were landed on island off the west coast
of Eire.
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The Second Great War.
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2194 Days Of War.
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