Italy�s fastest cruiser, Barte olomeo Colleoni, was sunk,
and another put to flight off Crete, by Australian cruiser
HMAS Sydney and small destroyer force. The British Admiralty
announced that two British merchant ships, King John and Davisian
had been sunk in region of West lndies by enemy raider, believed
to be converted merchant vessel.
The British Royal Air Force (RAF) made night raids on enemy
aerodromes and seaplane bases along coast of North West Germany
and northern Holland. Aircraft factories, oil plants and railway.
communications also bombed.
Coastal Command aircraft attacked naval base at Emden and
Dutch port of Harlingen.
Twelve Luftwaffe aircraft shot down round Britain�s coasts,
ten being destroyed while attacking shipping in Channel. Sir
Alan Brooke succeeded Sir Edmund lronside as Commander-In-Chief
Home Forces. Lord Gort was appointed Inspector-General to
Forces in Training.
President Roosevelt announced his acceptance of nomination
for third term.
Hitler made final appeal for peace in speech to Reichstag.
Go To: 20th
HMAS Sydney, 6,830 ton cruiser of the Royal
Australian Navy, was lost, presumably by an explosion following
a hit, after sinking the armed Kriegsmarine auxiliary cruiser
of 9,400 tons. On 19 July 1940, she sank the Italian cruiser
Bartolomeo Colleoni and damaged another. Inset shows the
HMAS Sydney's crest. Badge, copyright by HM Stationery Office.
Photo, Wright 6 Logan
The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X
For a complete list of