Russian bombers raided the outskirts of Helsinki. Severe fighting
in the waistline area of Finland, where Russians were still
in retreat. Russian division north of Lake Ladoga, under the
command of General Grigori Stern, also began to retire. Russian
attacks on Finnish positions at Taipale, south of Lake Ladoga,
were repulsed.
Finnish communique reported that Swedish volunteer pilots
had bombed Russian troops.
The British Royal Air Force (RAF) fighter attacked
He 111 raider of Aberdeen.
Reconnaissance flights carried out over north-west Germany
by the British Royal Air Force (RAF).
The Swedish steamer Palala was sunk by U-boat.
It was reported that the entire crew of the British tanker
Inverdargle were lost when she sank after an explosion on
16 January 1940 off the South West coast.
Intense cold still being experienced over the whole of Europe.
In Italy 20°. of frost. Fahrenheit recorded, and in Finland,
Denmark expressed, for the first time, intention, preserving
mutuality by force of arms if necessary.
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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X
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