Reported that five unarmed trawlers fishing off west coat
of Scotland had been bombed and machine gunned by, Luftwaffe
Night raids by the British Royal Air Force (RAF) bombers over
Central Germany Synthetic oil works at Leuna, near Leipzig,
fired. Other objectives were benzine oil plant at Bohlera,
Zeiss plant at Jena,
factory at Augsberg, aircraft stores at Kolleda,
works at Bernburg.
Coastal Command aircraft damaged a Kriegsmarine antiaircraft
ship in Stavanger Fjord.
Italy in Somaliland British bombers attacked Zeila and Adadleh.
Italian bombers attempted totraid Berbera, but were intercepted
by French aircraft which shot dawn two and drove off the others.Tobruk
harbour again raided by the British Royal Air Force (RAF)
and considerable damage done.
Intense air attacks again made on Southeast areas. Two raids
made on London area, when a number of persons were killed.
Damage done at Tilbury and North-fleet and in south-western
suburbs. Bombs dropped in Isle of Wight and in country districts
in Herts, Essex, Surrey, Hants. and Oxfordshire. Deliberate
attack made on Eastbourne. Damage and casualties at the British
Royal Air Force (RAF) aerodrome. Seventy-five, Luftwaffe aircraft
destroyed. Twenty-two British fighters reported lost, but
14 pilots safe.
President Roosevelt announced that United States Government
were holding talks with British Government with regard to
acquisition of naval and air bases for defence of Western,
Two Greek destroyers reported to have been bombed by Italian
aircraf`t while en route for Tinosr lsland. Two Greek cargo
boats torpedoed and sunk, and a third bombed.
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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X
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