In Normandy, fighting continued in regions west of Louviers
and in region of Evreux. South of Paris, French armies continued
withdrawal prescribed by high command. Further east Germans
crossed the Seine in Romilly area. Pressure increased in the
region from Troyes to St Dizier, and advanced guards pushed
in the direction of Chaumont.
Germans claimed to have captured town, citadel and two forts
of Verdun, and to have succeeded in piercing the Maginot line
near Saarbrucken.
In Alsace German attacked in region of Neuf Brisach on the
Rhine, between Basle and Strasbourg. Some detachments crossed
the river and established a bridgehead.
French government left Tours for Bordeaux.
President Roosevelt replied to M Reynaud's appeal, pledging
United States to redouble its efforts to supply the allies
with planes and armaments.
During the night of
June 1940, the British Royal Air Force (RAF) carried out a
series of raids on South Germany and in the Ruhr.
The British Royal Air Force (RAF) raided Italian thoughts
on Egypt-Libya frontier at Sidi Areiz and bombed military
objectives near Jarabub. Assab also raided again.
Aircraft of coastal command, destroyed large supplies of munitions
on quay at Bergen.
The British Admiralty announced that the cruiser HMS Calypso
had been sunk by Italian submarine, and that the trawler's
HMS Myrtle and HMS Ocean Sunlight had been mined.
Italian liner Fortunata was reported sunk by French destroyer.
Lithuania occupied by Soviet troops after expiration of ultimatum
Launched 15 June 1940
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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X
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