Wehrmacht History 1935 to 1945


The Führer had just left us when

WWII Timeline

The Führer had just left us when


The Führer had just left us when.
Early in the morning of Friday, 8 November 1939, a few hours after the explosion in the Bürgerbräukeller at Munich, what purported to be an eyewitness account of the incident was broadcast from all the German wireless stations.

Opening his broadcast, the announcer declared that the microphone was standing inside the shattered beer cellar, on the very spot where Adolf Hitler had stood to make his speech. 20 minutes before the infernal machine went off. The speaker was said to be a member of the Nazi old guard who had been present at the reunion. About 100 of the old guard, he said were in the room, and I myself was about a yard away from the door. Suddenly there was a flash overhead and a sudden pressure pushed me out of the door. Almost immediately afterwards became a thundering sound, and then everything was over before we could think what had happened. The air was so full of dust we could neither see nor breathe. We held our handkerchiefs over mouths and got into fresh air. When the dust settled, we went back and found that the ceiling had fallen in.
There were about 50 of the old guard in the hall, uninjured, and we set about the rescue work. It was dangerous work, because at any moment more of the ceiling might have fallen in. We work some time getting out injured and dead.
He then explained that the explosion was definitely overhead because he had seen flash come from a spot in the gallery close to the pillar. The charge, he said must have been in the floor near the pillar or underneath the walls close by.



Bürgerbräukeller beer house picture 1

Bürgerbräukeller beer house picture 2

Bürgerbräukeller beer house picture 3

Bürgerbräukeller beer house picture 4

Bürgerbräukeller beer house picture 5

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The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton

The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton

2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X

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World War Two Timeline, detailing every event, day by day from 1935 through to 1945.
WWII Timeline

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