Launched 1 October 1935
On 3 October 1935, Not long after the League acquitted both
parties in the Walwal incident, Italian armed services from
Eritrea invaded Ethiopia without a declaration of war leading
Ethiopia to declare war on Italy beginning the Second Italian
Abyssinian War.
On 7 October 1935, The League of Nations proclaimed Italy
the assailant and started the slow process of enforcing sanctions.
Nevertheless, these sanctions did not extend to several vital
materials, such as oil, and were not carried out by all members
of the League. International support was by this time low,
with the united states of America increasing their exports
to Italy in disgust of the inactivity of the League of Nations.
Specifically, the United Kingdom and France did not take any
serious action against Italy, such as blocking Italian access
to the Suez Canal. Even actions such as the Italian use of
some chemical weapons did little to change the League's passive
approach to the situation.
Erich Koellner Destroyer
Laid down 12 October 1935
The first three Panzer Divisions were established on 15 October
1935, in the Wehrmacht. The 1. Panzer-Division was placed
under Maximilian von Weichs at Weimar, 2. Panzer-Division
under Heinz
Guderian at Würzburg and 3. Panzer-Division under
Ernst Feßmann at Berlin.
Launched 16 October 1935
Launched 26 October 1935
Go To: November
The Second Great War.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
The War Illustrated.
Edited by Sir John Hamilton
2194 Days Of War.
ISBN-10: 086136614X
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